Chickpea Fritters Recipe (Using Chickpea Flour) - Fifteen Spatulas (2024)

These crispy Chickpea Fritters are quick and easy to make in just 20 minutes, and have a puffy, light texture. You can eat them as is with yogurt and fresh Tabbouleh, or stuff them into a pita for afaux falafel sandwich. No need to get out the deep fryer for this recipe!

Chickpea Fritters Recipe (Using Chickpea Flour) - Fifteen Spatulas (1)

If you’re looking for chickpea flour recipes, you have to try these little chickpea puffs!

They have a really interesting texture, and almost remind me of a biscuit made with chickpea flour. Seriously, my husband was splitting themjust like a biscuit and sticking some yogurt sauce in the middle!

What’s nice about these delicious chickpea fritters is that they are pan fried in a skillet with olive oil. It’s still crispy goodness, but much healthier and less messy than the usual treat. They’re crispy and golden on the edges, but have a fluffy interior.

We also add an assortment of spices to the chickpea flour, like cumin, coriander, and yellow curry, to give it a really delicious flavor. All pretty simple ingredients.

Chickpea Fritters Recipe (Using Chickpea Flour) - Fifteen Spatulas (2)

Everything about this recipe is simple, with no heavy machinery or special equipment required. No need for a food processor or anything like that, just a medium bowl for mixing and a pan!

Tips for Best Results

Use a nonstick skillet – Though I have not attempted to use an uncoated pan and there’s a possibility it could work, I recommend using a large nonstick skillet just so you don’t have to worry about sticking.

Use fresh spices – Spices lose their flavor rapidly as they sit in the pantry. The general rule of thumb is that they will stay potently fresh for 3 to 6 months after opening. They won’t necessarily be “bad” at that point, but less flavorful. So try to use freshly purchased spices here for optimal flavor.

Let the dough sit for 10 minutes before cooking – Though this recipe takes 20 minutes to make, 10 of those minutes are actually just waiting for the chickpea flour to hydrate and thicken. This is an important step for the best texture.

Step by Step Overview:

Add chickpea flour to a bowl (I purchase Bob’s Red Mill brand), and add sea salt, baking soda, ground cumin, ground coriander, yellow curry powder, garlic powder, and onion powder:

Chickpea Fritters Recipe (Using Chickpea Flour) - Fifteen Spatulas (3)

Stir that all together to combine, then add lemon juice and water to hydrate the chickpea flour.

It will look like a thick cookie dough:

Chickpea Fritters Recipe (Using Chickpea Flour) - Fifteen Spatulas (4)

Use a cookie scoop to portion out little mounds of the chickpea mixture, and put them directly in a skillet with some olive oil (here’s the size I like to make the little mounds):

Chickpea Fritters Recipe (Using Chickpea Flour) - Fifteen Spatulas (5)

Fry the chickpea fritters for 2 minutes on each side over medium-high heat, until golden brown, and watch as they puff up in the hot oil!

Chickpea Fritters Recipe (Using Chickpea Flour) - Fifteen Spatulas (6)

FYI, you’ll get prettier browning on the second side with these chickpea patties.

I’m sure you can get a more even, robust crunch if you deep fry them, but I love pan frying in just a little bit of olive oil. It really adds a lovely flavor to the chickpeas, that something like a flavorless vegetable oil cannot add.

Drain the fritters on a paper towel-lined plate or baking sheet as you pull them out of the frying pan, to absorb any excess oil.

Chickpea Fritters Recipe (Using Chickpea Flour) - Fifteen Spatulas (7)

I also like to sprinkle them with a pinch of salt while still hot.

How to Serve

I like to eat these chickpea fritters on their own as a healthy snack, but these are also great if you stick them in a pita with some lettuce, tomato, and tzatziki sauce. You can even dip in a little bit of yogurt sauce with minced garlic, or make a fresh tahini sauce.

For complimentary sides, serve alongside Stuffed Cherry Peppers or Stuffed Mini Peppers, and a fresh Antipasto Platter with Stuffed Grape Leaves.

I also recommend these Zucchini Fritterswhich are pan-fried in olive oil. They’re wonderful with yogurt dipping sauce too. Enjoy!

Recipe Variations

You can certainly experiment with the spices and flavorings you add to this chickpea fritter recipe.

Try mixing fresh herbs like chopped fresh parsley or chopped cilantro into the actual fritter ingredients, or into the sauce.

You can also smash a few whole chickpeas and mix them into the batter for a different texture from the chick pea flour alone.

Recipe Tips and FAQ

How do you store leftover Chickpea Fritters?

Let cool completely, then store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 week.

Can you freeze leftover Chickpea Fritters?

Yes, store in an airtight container for up to 2 months. For best results, let thaw in the fridge overnight before reheating.

How do you reheat Chickpea Fritters?

For the crispiest results, it’s best to pan fry them in a skillet with a tablespoon or two of olive oil, for a couple minutes on each side, until hot. The microwave can work, at 50% power in 30 second intervals, but the fritters will not be crispy.

What brand of chickpea flour do you recommend?

I like Bob’s red mill and find it to be the most widely available. You may find other brands labeled as “garbanzo beans” flour. They are the same thing.

Did you enjoy the recipe? Please leave a 5-star rating in the recipe card below and/or a review in the comments section further down the page. Or, follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest!

Chickpea Fritters Recipe (Using Chickpea Flour) - Fifteen Spatulas (8)

Chickpea Fritters

Servings: 2 easily doubles, triples, etc

Prep Time: 5 minutes mins

Cook Time: 5 minutes mins

Batter Resting Time: 10 minutes mins

Total Time: 20 minutes mins

These quick and easy chickpea fritters are flavored with spices and pan fried in olive oil until puffed and crispy!

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  • 1 cup chickpea flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp cumin
  • 1/4 tsp coriander
  • 1/4 tsp yellow curry powder
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp onion powder
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup hot water
  • about 1/4 cup olive oil for frying


  • Whisk to combine the chickpea flour, salt, baking soda, cumin, coriander, curry powder, garlic powder, and onion powder.

  • Add the lemon juice and water, and stir to combine (it will be a thick, lumpy mixture). Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes to give the chickpea flour a chance to hydrate and get even thicker.

  • Heat up a nonstick skillet over medium high heat, and add enough olive oil to coat the bottom of the pan.

  • Use a cookie scoop to portion out small mounds of the chickpea mixture into the hot oil, then coat a spatula with oil and lightly press the tops to smush the mounds down into patties.

  • Let the patties cook for about 2 minutes on each side until they’re golden brown, and you’ll see them puff up considerably.

  • Drain them briefly on paper towels after frying and enjoy them while they’re hot!

  • You can serve them with a sprinkle of good quality salt or some tzatziki sauce. Enjoy!


Storing leftovers: Let cool completely, then store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 week.

Freezing: Store in an airtight container for up to 2 months. For best results, let thaw in the fridge overnight before reheating.

Reheating: For the crispiest results, it’s best to pan fry them in a skillet with a tablespoon or two of olive oil, for a couple minutes on each side, until hot. The microwave can work, at 50% power in 30 second intervals, but the fritters will not be crispy.

Recipe adapted from the back of the Bob’s Red Mill Garbanzo Bean Flour bag.


Calories: 238kcal, Carbohydrates: 35g, Protein: 13g, Fat: 4g, Sodium: 778mg, Potassium: 507mg, Fiber: 6g, Sugar: 6g, Vitamin C: 2.4mg, Calcium: 27mg, Iron: 3.1mg

Nutrition is estimated using a food database and is only intended to be used as a guideline for informational purposes.

Course: Snack

Cuisine: Mediterranean

Author: Fifteen Spatulas

Post updated with photos, writing, and more tips in August 2018. Originally published April 2013. This post contains an amazon affiliate link.

Chickpea Fritters Recipe (Using Chickpea Flour) - Fifteen Spatulas (2024)


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