Alaska Cruise Outfits - What to Wear on an Alaskan Cruise (2024)

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If you’re looking for ideas on what to wear on an Alaskan cruise then look no further. We’ll show you the exact types of Alaska cruise outfits you’ll need for your trip so you can stay warm, feel comfortable and look good on board the ship.

When you’re going on an Alaska cruise what to wear is an important thing to consider. Having the right Alaska cruise wardrobe is essential. You will need several different types of outfits for daily life onboard the ship, relaxed excursions, more active excursions, managing cold weather and dressing up in the evening.

We’ll show you how to put together cute Alaskan cruise outfits for every occasion on your trip without having to pack a tonne of stuff by using different clothing in multiple outfits.

For our complete guide on what to pack for an Alaska cruise and a printable packing list PDF, read this post. It contains the quantities ofclothes for Alaska cruise that you’ll need plus all the little extra items that are useful to have.


  • 1 Alaska Cruise Outfits
    • 1.1 Embarkation / Disembarkation
    • 1.2 Cruise Casual Day Wear
    • 1.3 Relaxed Excursion Clothes
    • 1.4 Active Excursion Clothes
    • 1.5 Casual Evening Outfits
    • 1.6 Formal Evening Outfits
  • 2 Got questions on what to wear on an Alaskan cruise? Ask here!

Alaska Cruise Outfits - What to Wear on an Alaskan Cruise (1)

Alaska Cruise Outfits

Embarkation / Disembarkation

On your embarkation and disembarkation day, go for an easy travel outfit. Joggers or jeans and a light jacket or hoodie with a t-shirt underneath are ideal If you’re cruising in July or August it might actually be quite warm at your departure port so pack a pair of shorts just in case. If you’re flying home straight after the cruise you’ll need a comfy airplane outfit. Pick items that you can use throughout your trip so you’re not doubling up on too much packing.

Need more tips on what to pack for an Alaskan cruise?

Check out our top 20 Alaska cruise essentials in this post!

Cruise Casual Day Wear

You can create some cute outfits for an Alaskan cruise. Tunics and leggings are great for lazy days on the ship. Jeans or joggers and a sweater or cardigan are great too. Depending on the weather that day you might need just a short sleeved tee or a longer one underneath layers on cooler days. Bring a nice plaid scarf for extra warmth on deck as it can be windy. It’s nice to have some soft comfortable slip on shoes like Toms to wear around the ship on sea days.

Relaxed Excursion Clothes

Whendressing for Alaska cruise one of the first things to look at are your planned excursions. Some excursions are more relaxed. You don’t need hiking or outdoor gear for activities like scenic flights, train rides and cultural tours. Relaxed outfits for Alaskan cruise excursions are similar to what you’d wear around the ship but with a bit of added warmth. A packable puffer jacket, scarf and beanie will add a tonne of warmth to your casual clothes.Dress in layers because weather can change on a dime in Alaska.

What’s the best jacket for Alaska cruise travel?

We recommend bringing a couple different types of jackets that can be layered to suit all weather conditions. A fleece zip up jacket, a packable puffer jacket and a waterproof parka that fits over both of these will allow you layer up or down depending on the weather.

Alaska Cruise Outfits - What to Wear on an Alaskan Cruise (2)

Alaska Cruise Outfits - What to Wear on an Alaskan Cruise (3)

Alaska Cruise Outfits - What to Wear on an Alaskan Cruise (4)

Active Excursion Clothes

Clothes for active excursions like hiking, glacier treks, dog sledding, rafting and fishing require a bit more planning. Get a good idea of the weather before you set out for the day. Again layers are a good idea. A fleece jacket, waterproof parka and a good pair of outdoor pants are the main items you’ll need.We recommend packing a merino base layer top and leggings for extra warmth. If you’re cruising in July or August you might need a pair of hiking shorts in case of warm weather. Depending on your excursion you may need proper hiking boots or your sneakers might be fine.

Casual Evening Outfits

Alaska cruise attire is usually a bit more relaxed in the evenings than on your typical Caribbean cruise. Many people won’t change for dinner. That’s totally up to you. It depends on how busy your day was in port and how active you were. If you do wish to change for dinner on the casual dining nights, wear an outfit you’d choose for a date night. Jeans and a nice top are ideal. You can always borrow your formal night accessories and shoes to jazz your outfit up.

Formal Evening Outfits

Alaska cruise formal night wear is usually a bit more relaxed than on a typical Caribbean cruise. You won’t find many people super glammed up, although you can if you choose! A nice co*cktail dress is the ideal formal dress for Alaskan cruise travel. Pack two dresses that can use the same shoes and clutch. A pashmina is a good idea for evening as it might be chilly getting from your cabin to the dining room.

Got questions on what to wear on an Alaskan cruise? Ask here!

Need more Alaska cruise packing tips? You can join our Facebook group on cruise packing to ask questions or just leave them in the comments below.

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Alaska Cruise Outfits - What to Wear on an Alaskan Cruise (2024)


Alaska Cruise Outfits - What to Wear on an Alaskan Cruise? ›

pack & wear lots of layers. prepare for every day to be wet and cool to cold (Alaska gets about 250 days of rain each year) pack some waterproof shoes/boots and clothing. take a warm hat and sun hat (baseball hat or hiking hat)

What clothes do you wear on an Alaskan cruise? ›

Women can wear a smart dress, skirt, pants, or jeans with a casual top, and men can dress in pants or jeans with a short-sleeve sport shirt. As for shoewear, the only rule is that flip flops are never allowed during evenings on the ship.

Can you wear jeans to dinner on an Alaskan cruise? ›

There's no need to be formal – jeans, slacks, casual tops, sweaters, sneakers and boots are all perfect.

Do I need a heavy coat for Alaska cruise? ›

The good news is, you can leave the heavy-duty winter coats and boots at home—easily removable, waterproof layers are best. Here's a complete list of what to pack on a cruise to Alaska, from clothing to gear and extras.

Should I bring a bathing suit on an Alaskan cruise? ›

Bring a swimsuit to take advantage of the ship's pools and spas and something comfortable to lounge around in on the ship. If you don't want to let your workout routine slip too much while you're on board, pack some gym clothes and shoes. Most cruise lines offer exercise classes as well as gyms.

Is it cold on a cruise ship in Alaska? ›

Alaska Cruise Temperature by Month

Temperatures can reach anywhere from the low 30s to upper 80s depending on your month of travel as well as the port of call. We always recommend that you dress in layers to prepare for whatever weather comes your way.

What do I wear to dinner on an Alaskan Princess cruise? ›

For more formal settings, men should bring a dinner jacket, slacks, or a dark suit and a nice pair of shoes, while women may want to bring an evening gown, co*cktail dress, or elegant pant suit. When packing, bring wrinkle-free items or try rolling your clothes.

What not to wear to dinner on a cruise? ›

T-shirts, swimsuits, robes, bare feet, tank tops, baseball caps, and pool wear are not allowed in the main restaurant or specialty restaurants at any time. In addition, shorts and flip-flops are not permitted during the evening hours.

Do you dress up every night on a cruise? ›

Is there a dress code for dinner on a cruise? Most nights you can wear anything you want except shorts or cut off jeans. One night on every cruise there is a night of formal dress.

Do people still dress up for dinner on cruise ships? ›

Most cruise lines have relaxed their policies enough so that most travelers will be able to attend a formal night with the clothes they keep in their closet at home—even if it's a simple request for a collared shirt and a prohibition on jeans at dinner.

What extra to pack on a cruise to Alaska? ›

Consider packing the following devices so that you can capture each untouched landscape and every snow-capped summit:
  • Waterproof camera.
  • USB converter.
  • Portable charger.
  • Protective phone case.
  • Memory cards.
  • Extra batteries.

Should I take an umbrella on an Alaskan cruise? ›

Next, pack a fleece jacket to provide a layer of insulation. Last, bring a lightweight waterproof/windproof jacket to keep heat in and rain out. The ship has a good supply of umbrellas so there is no need to bring your own.

What kind of jacket do you need for Alaska? ›

Down insulation works well in the cold dry environment of Interior Alaska. It provides great warmth while still being light and comfortable. Synthetics parkas work well too, but are a bit more bulky to pack and a bit heavier.

How do you stay warm on an Alaskan cruise? ›

Layering of your outerwear is your best bet to keep warm and dry. You should also have a hat, gloves and waterproof shoes on this cruise.

Do you need snow boots on an Alaskan cruise? ›

You'll need a sturdy pair of hiking boots or shoes to tread upon Alaska's mountainous terrain, which can be muddy or even snowy during cruise season. Member sue450 recommends bringing "a pair of waterproof hiking shoes (they look like tennis shoes but the Gore-Tex makes them absolutely waterproof). I wore these A LOT."

What kind of clothes should you wear in Alaska? ›

Your best bet is to dress in layers and bring a backpack—you'll stay warm and dry when it's chilly or wet, and you can peel off layers and stow them as the weather changes. Rain or shine, many day tours—flightseeing, cruises, bus tours—offer access to shelter.


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